Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Viewing Platform

Back in April after speaking to a fellow camper I was told there was a viewing platform being built, being nosy I went up the hill to see what was happening and found the base all laid out

In to May and I went up there for a walk with my wife and this time noticed it was nearly finished

Over the weekend I went back up to check as I hear it was finished

It was and had this motive let into the floor

There us even a seat to sit down & admire the view
You will have to come back on Friday to see the view from the seat
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That's a very elaborate construction for a viewpoint and I wonder what the symbol is supposed to mean. Looking forward to the view itself.

Sharon said...

I'll be back to check it out but, I can already see that the view is going to be rather spectacular.

Photo Cache said...

I do like this very much!

Worth a Thousand Words

William Kendall said...

I like it. It's very well designed!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. I love this construction and the artwork.

RedPat said...

It is wonderful!

Fun60 said...

Never seen a viewpoint as fancy as that.

Unknown said...

I havnt seennthis yet Bill I can’t wait to try and get up there to spend time there can’t wait to see your photos of the view


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

That's a great spot to visit and contemplate the planet.