Thursday 7 December 2017

Threatening Skys

Taken a few weeks ago when we stopped at Whittenham Clumps

 Looking across the valley towards the Berkshire Downs

Castle Hill


Christine said...

Lovely elevated viewpoints across beautiful country but the grey skies are all to familiar!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Gray clouds - looks like winter to me

Bill said...

I love views like those, it's so nice to see the open land. A cloudy sky is very familiar here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

The skies look only mildly threatening to me. Pretty shots. Castle Hill looks like it would be a nice hike!

Al said...

Pretty scenes, but I don't miss those grey winter skies!

Sharon said...

It looks like rain was on the way.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the views there!

Klara S said...

Looming skies...

Aimz said...

Winter is coming, still a beautiful landscape.

William Kendall said...

Very dramatic!