Tuesday 5 December 2017

Slow Down

So on Saturday we went to Wales to close down our caravan. On the way home the traffic was flowing smoothly till outside Bristol where we saw a sign telling us there was congestion between Junctions 18 & 17. A little nearer anther one flashed up saying the time to the junction 15 was an hour. This did no bode well and sure enough just past junction 18 we hit the traffic which slowed down to a crawl, a little further along we noticed the far lane was closed and guessed there had been an accident. This meant all the numpties in the fast lane would stay there as long as possible and cause everyone hassle pushing in

 A bit nearer out fears were realised when we saw this sign saying closed down and a car upside down. It may look comical but in reality that does happen quite a lot. A couple of motorway patrol cars went past in the emergency lane
 The we saw where the problem was, the whole central barrier had gone

Then we passed who I think was the culprit, a Chelsea Tractor with the front wheel and suspension gone . It had been dragged away to the emergency lane, the person who was driving no doubt lost control causing the jam we had to put up with. Still on the bright side they will loose their no claims and with luck the Range Rover will be written off.  As we cleared the conjestion the motor way on the otherside was begining to back up and for the next few miles the traffic was jammed up just like we had gone through.
Hope the had a Merry Christmas (not) for the trouble they put not only the people using the motorway but the emergency services and guys who will have to repair what they did which hopefully will end up with the person who caused the problem


Fun60 said...

I am delighted not to be travelling north this xmas. Dealing with traffic jams and idiotic drivers who pay no attention to the speed limits and rules of the road will be something I won't miss.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Uma excelente reportagem.
Uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Sharon said...

What a mess to have to deal with! There is one major road that goes from Phoenix to the north of our state. During the summer months, people like to head north for weekend trips to escape some of our heat. You can count on an accident blocking the road and causing a huge back up on the way back almost every time. One time the trip that should take an hour and a half took three hours.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why it never occurred to me that drivers are just as crazy there as they are here in the states. We actually plan our trips around times when fewer cars are on the road. Early Saturday and Sunday mornings are the BEST.

Birgitta said...

There are lots of idiotic drivers out there!

Aimz said...

yes its a shame so many accidents happen - it's pretty diabolical here, the cause is mostly speed, too many impatient people but thankful for the emergency services.

Bill said...

Sounds like a nightmare. Unfortunately there are jerks driving on the roads and ruining it for everyone. I don't miss driving but will always remember situations like you mention above.

Klara S said...

The worst time of year for drivers....

William Kendall said...

Ouch. You see accidents like this and you know whatever the circumstances, they're having a bad day.