Monday, 5 September 2016

Buscot Village

If you saw Buscot Church I posted on Sunday you might be interested to see some of the village itself

Driving past the entrance for the village is easily missed when you drive through

First thing you see in is the Village hall  

which looks like it was opened in 1897  

 Over the years people have carved their names in the entrance window sill

Dennis really made his mark

and so did a lot of other people

 Think this was the village well at one time

 One of the Cotswold stone houses near the Hall

Looking back up through the village from near the car park

Buscot Village Shop which has changed hands since I visited the place, it's a tea room and well worth stopping off for lunch or tea at (I can vouch for it)

At the end of the road near where you go to Buscot Weir you can see this building which is Bed & Breakfast so if you want to say some where you could try here.

Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Barb said...

Such lovely stone work on the buildings in Buscot. I often wonder why people feel the need to carve their names and make marks on beautiful/historic places. Perhaps they don't get enough real-life attention?

Fun60 said...

I think Cotswold stone is so attractive. A lovely English village Bill.

carol l mckenna said...

What a delightful looking village and excellent and creative photography!

Wishing you smooth sailing days ~ ^_^

Photo Cache said...

What a charming village. These are the places I want to visit.

Cloudia said...

Wonderful to breathe such places. Thank you

Andrea said...

Those are awesome stone buildings. Certainly they look very old and still strong. I just wonder where Buscot Village is! Later i will look at your older posts learn where in the world it is located. Thanks

Murthy K v v s said...

Historical pictures always evoke thoughts..!

Linda W. said...

What great photos of the village! Love the village hall building.

Ingrid said...

I love these old English villages ! They look as if time has stood still !

Lady Fi said...

What a pretty village and church.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing these photos and imagining what life was like when the town was built. Beautiful there.

Judy said...

I wouldn't mind taking a walk around such a lovely village.

Sharon said...

What a pretty place! "Charming" is the word that come to mind.

William Kendall said...

The place has a whole lot of character!

betty-NZ said...

My goodness, I would love to wander about there with all the stone buildings! Your photos are just fantastic.

Christine said...

A beautiful village oozing charm and character, even Dennis's character!