Tuesday 26 July 2016

Kite in the Tree

The reintroduction of Red Kites to the UK is one of the greater successes that have happened in our area. Many years ago you would never have seen these graceful birds flying around now they are commonplace and quite frequently (every day) stop off in a nearby tree  where they can be hear calling to each other. I have often tried to get a good photo of one but am never happy with the result but  I though I'd show my latest effort anyway. The first two are taken with a Canon powershot SX240 compact camera, the other three using a Canon 70D with a 70-200mm Sigma lens

So from this tree he sits and watches all around him

A most impressive bird

What I would normally see is the Kite sitting like this and hope to catch him taking off

and this time I caught it

I just need a longer zoom I cropped the last two a little

This is a new branch to sit in

And one I hope he uses a bit more as it is a little closer to get a view of him in.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Phil Slade said...

You're lucky Bill if you have Kestrels and Kites. Red Kites have yet to move into this area of Lancashire while Kestrels are scarce this year. Even the Buzzards are down - last winter and early 2016 were not not a good winter for mammals I suspect.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

My faourute bird and how lucky were you to catch it in flight!!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I had noticed you liked them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You can see up to 8 or 9 circling round near out house at times but your right I have not seen that many buzzards or kestrels as of late

Sharon said...

What an impressive bird. Your shots are great. I hope you catch him in that leafy tree again sometime. It makes a great background.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the Red Kite there. Such a beautiful bird. We have the White-tailed Kite here. When it hunts it hovers in mid-air. Quite a sight. Does this Kite hunt in a similar fashion? Wonderful to know that the reintroduction was such a success. Great news!

RedPat said...

He is quite a bird!

William Kendall said...

It's quite a beautiful, powerful bird. I think you bring their strength across nicely in takes on this one.

betty-NZ said...

What fantastic shots! I love to see predators but they always seem upset when photographed!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of this gorgeous bird!