Tuesday 17 November 2015

Museum Visit

Thought I'd show a few photos I took on my way to the British Museum when my wife & I visited a few weeks ago

 Holbourn Town Hall

 A blue plaque always makes me look

Bertrand Russell who I had heard of but never knew much more about him

 A place I had heard about and laid empty for a long time

Made me smile seeing this place in the middle of London. Selling Scottish gifts to unsuspecting Tourists at no doubt a lot more than they would cost in Scotland

Not sure if they are still Boris Bikes now with the sponsor on them now 

Loved the name of this place
 And the clock

The yard looked interesting now

miniature guitars in a shop 

Countdown clock on a Crossing

The tube station
 and the station itself. 
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Gillena Cox said...

very nice photos; have a good Tuesday

much love...

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Such a fascinating place. Great photos!

RedPat said...

I love London!

William Kendall said...

Quite a variety, Bill, but the clock's my favourite!

Sharon said...

This was great. It was almost like being there in person. I do love London!