Monday 22 December 2014

A Trip to Oxford

This was a trip I did with my wife a while ago. We decided to go to the Ashmolean Museum to see the TutAnkhAmun   Exhibition that was on. So I took a few photos of the day.

I took the train  (Oxford is not nice to motorists)   and when you get off you see this building names after Maggy Thatcher

Right opposite you can see the Oxford Bull

and lots of bikes parked in the bike park

This is the Ashmolean Museum, not easy to photograph with a compact

The Main entrance and banner and this is as much as you will see of Exhibition as they did not allow photos of it though you can take as many as you like in the museum.

Not sure of this building but it's one of the collages

Not far from the above building if you look on one of the wall pillars you can see this plaque. Oxford was a Kingly place

A blue plaque telling you about the forming of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry

Its on the wall of this alley which takes you to a former watering hole of mine. I remember it as the Corn Dolly it's now the Cellar Bar

This sign is outside Count Hall in Oxford and is one of the original cross road ones and below you can see an Old Milestone from near Banbury

This used to be the crown court as behind was Oxford Prison

and this was part of the prison, now its an hotel where you can stay

More of the prison which dates back to the 1700's

The tower is from Oxford Castle and was part of the prison. During the Anarchy Empress Matilda managed to escape from the place while it was under siege

The Quaking Bridge you can read the history about it in the link and see another of my photo's

A sad place to me as it is the Old Lion Brewery in St Thomas Street Oxford which was where Morrels beer was brewed. It ended being sold to Green king who I have no good words for. Morrels beer was bad but it deserved better than being sold off to Green king

The Jam Factory which got its name from Frank Cooper who used to make marmalade here. It ended being a short day looking round as we found the exhibition was not really that good and when we went off to get breakfast the restaurant was closed for staff training.

Well thats it for this year with Our World Tuesday for me and no appologies if you check the links and see a few more of my phtos on Wikipedia. I'll be back next year with another tour maybe of Oxford maybe another place but in the mean time have a great Christmas & New Year


Fun60 said...

A lovely tour of a beautiful city. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

carol l mckenna said...

Thanks for your photo tour ~ excellent!

Happy Holidays to you,
artmusedog and carol

Hazel said...

Got to browse more of "yeomanry." Trips to museums are always exciting to me. Thanks for sharing lovely images. Happy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

A great tour of Oxford!

Judy said...

Judging from your pictures, you had a busy and fun filled day.

Unknown said... much history in your photos. Thank you for sharing. That is a sea of bikes...I wonder how easy it is for their owners to find them!!! Nice shots :-)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Sounds like a fun day you and the Missus had. The hotel that was once a prison intrigues me. It's like turning an old hospital into an apartment building. I'm not sure I'd want to stay at either, but I would be curious to see how the rooms look. Merry Christmas, Bill!

William Kendall said...

The Memorial particularly stands out for me.

I wrote sequences set in Oxford in my manuscript... I may have to go back and look things over, see if I can tweak a bit.