Wednesday 6 August 2014

Mrs Tiggywinkle

Or Mister


Unknown said...

Adorable! I love hedgies, but i don't see them very often. Happy WW!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've never seen one of these fellows!

Here's my Wordless Wednesday.

Sharon said...

How cute!

Halcyon said...

He/She is a cute one! Looks a bit shy, too.

Fun60 said...

It must be over 20 years since I have seen a hedgehog in the wild.

sunshine said...

Great photos and a great sight.

NCSue said...

I love photos of hedgehogs. I've never seen one, but they seem positively adorable!
Please share your post at
Hope to see you soon!

Stewart M said...

Nice little beast - I almost stood on one while I was back in the UK last month - I was stumbling about in the dusk hoping to see Barn Owl!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

RedPat said...

How cute! I have never seen one of these guys!

William Kendall said...

They are a cute critter. I've never seen one either.