Thursday 8 May 2014

A Long Weekend

Well this is my 500th post on this blog and as it is Skywatch Friday So as it was a Bank Holiday Weekend I'm going to give you a weekend of skys from places I went.

First one was on Saturday and taken through the window at Reading Station looking towards the work being done there on the new lines

Sunday it was Glastonbury and this was taken at Street  which is a Town nearby

 Here is part of Glastonbury Abbey with King Aurturs grave in the centre

Monday it was Basildon Park and this is a view out one of the windows there. The River Thames is over in the distance out of sight

Anyone Recognise this place, we passed it on the way to a place Tuesday.

And this is where we went Wardour Castle or what is left of it, it was used in Robin hood Prince of Thieves. Happy Skywatch


Fun60 said...

Congratulations Bill on your 500th post. Some beautiful skies there to celebrate.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Congrats, and a beautiful collection of photos!!

Unknown said...

"Spud's Daily Photo" has been included in Sites To See #368. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That is a wonderful array beneath great spring skies Bill and congrats!! YAM xx

Judy said...

That is a great series of pictures. I especially like the last two awesome shots!

Amy at love made my home said...

Hey, you were at my house and I wasn't there! Not that you would have realised if I had been!! Congratulations on your 500th post, here's to the next 500!

RedPat said...

That is a jam-packed weekend!

Janet Shaw said...

Great Photos! :)

EricaSta said...

Congratulation to the 500. Post !
... And here again fantastic captures for me to see ...
Wish you a very nice Weekend

Pam said...

Gee, and all I saw was wildflowers! Great bits of history.