Wednesday 4 September 2013

Mr Vole

Found this photo while digging out some others, Its a Vole. Normally you seldom see them but on this occasion he was just sat there which gave me the opportunity to get a couple of photos.

Not sure he was feeling very well but they were taken at FForest Fields Camp Site in Wales


Timur Wilde Photography said...

Hi...this is an really nice guy :)


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh dear, Bill, I suspect you may be on track with it's not feeling too good. Poor wee thing. Good to know that voles are still around. A lot of folk mistake them for rats and act accordingly...

A great photo chance though. Thanks for digging in the archives! YAM xx

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He was and so cute

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They had little runs under the tents and were notoriously hard to spot and when you did they disappeared quick unless you were very quiet, this little fellow hardly moved and I suspect was quite old or just ill.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

This is so cute, Bill. She would like to be your Model.
Best regards, Synnöve

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was though I think it would have rather been scrurrying off into the grass rather than sat whil eI took a photo.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this vole does not look well at all. Makes me wonder if he may have eaten something that isn't good for it. Poor little thing.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Could well have done but then it could be just old.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is ADORABLE. Can't say I've ever heard of them though, must not be in the US.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You know I could not tell you if they were but looking in Wiki they are called Meadow mice or field mice over there. In the UK they are a bit smaller than a mouse and quite rare least round where I live they are.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Aww. Poor little thing.

It looks like there are many kinds, as likely to be known as meadow mice or field mice, but the water voles (the kind I imagine I know because they are in Brian Jacques' Redwall books) are only in Europe. The field (or garden) varieties seem to be largely considered pests, alas.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I've seen a few water voles and they are bigger, these little fellows are well looked after where they live and I not thought of as pests

Pam said...

Voles in the U.S. look a bit different, we had them out on the farm we used to live on, the cats loved to bring us their little corpses. As for President Ford and the Boy Scouts he was an Eagle Scout himself and promoted scouting in Michigan his home state. My reference to Boy Scouts is more my displeasure with their stance on discrimination in their organization. Girl Scouts has no policies which exclude anyone from becoming a member or leader due to their race, religion or sexual orientation. Boy Scouts openly prohibits gay members or leaders as well as those of atheist or agnostic leanings. Under intense pressure they "considered" changing their policy last January, but only to let local chapters decide for themselves. They still have not even made that change, stating that those ideals go against the core beliefs of the organization. This is the Boy Scouts of America we are talking about, all scouting organizations have their own rules and I am not familiar with whether or not other countries have the same exclusionary policy. I sure hope not! Scouting is supposed to foster leaders, like Gerald Ford, and it's important our leaders of tomorrow are not brought up thinking it is okay to hate and exclude others who are different. My two cents...I've posted about it a few times on my blog because it is a subject I feel passionately about!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Unfortunatly cats are on eof their big preditors. Thanks for reply on the scouts,
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law
Thats the promice I took though it does vary from country to country.
I have not heard of any problems with in our scouting but can understand your frustration.