Sunday 2 June 2013

Sunday Photo



Anonymous said...


Shannon Lawrence said...

Lovely! We have mule deer around here that hang out in our yard. I've lived here since I was 12, so you'd think I'd become accustomed to their presence and be bored with it, but I'll still always be awed when they nosh grass and sleep in the shade of my yard. :)

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Lisa said...

Wow stunning

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sort of what I thought when I spotted it after taking photos of our Village again yesterday (Sat). I came back five mins later and he was still there so took this one, couple of seconds later he was off across the field.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have a few different types of Deer round the area though they seldom come in the village.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, just a shame I could not get closer.

Anonymous said...

A regular sight a couple of years ago, until they started churning up our local fields. Beautiful.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think we are lucky to have them around they are so graceful.

Dana said...

Very nice! I used to see so many deer back home. I miss them now that I live in the city.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Think we are lucky as we did not used to have that many in the area.