Sunday 16 June 2013

Flame on

One thing I love to see is a hot air balloon and on a couple of occasions I have managed to get some photos of them being inflated.

Happy Monday


Timur Wilde Photography said...

Wow !!

Great photos ... Thanks !!

Billy Blue Eyes said...


Dana said...

That's really cool! I love how the flame looks in that second photo.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I like the way the two girls are trying to hold it down while it inflates.

Jenn Jilks said...

I must link to this one! Well-shot. I'd heard they start up early. I love it!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They do stary early, usualy after dawn but this was a test flight (teathered to the 4X4)for it's yearly flight worthyness check so the did it one evening. I still want to go up in one.