Thursday 11 April 2013

F is for Farimile

Fairmile is a former mental hospital in the village I live in. It opened in 1870 and closed in 2003, 2010 work began on converting the building and grounds into housing.
My parents worked there most of their lives and for the two and a half I have been covering the development. You can read my blogs on the place here 

Tanking part in Blogging from A to Z


liz young said...

There are something about old hospital that we recognise with ease - I didn't even have to look at the caption to know. My children were born in Cuckfield General Hospital which was converted into office and flats and my daughter ended up working just on the spot she was born - the same window I looked out of between contractions was over her desk!

gma said...

Wonderful towers with pigeons flying around. Perfect setting. Does it have a dungeon? What about rooms,mazes and stairways that lead nowhere? Bwahahaha

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

It's huge and what sad stories it undoubtedly contains. Was it ever a workhouse? It has that kind of look to it.

Dana said...

It's really quite a beautiful building. What a long history!

I love lizy-expat-writer's story. :)

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

Ooh, places like that are often considered to be haunted. Any stories?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was never a workhouse it's original name way Berkshire Lunatic Asylum and that was shown on OS Maps. Have read of my blogs in the link.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lots I've heard from people who have been working there and heard noises, sill to find out some from the residents

Sharon said...

I read the linked blog. There has been a lot of work done. Great to see that a previously derelict site has been brought back to life.

The former Mayday Hills Asylum in Beechworth (close to where I live) has been the site of Ghost tours for some time. The site was recently sold to local developers. It is a beautiful old building steeped in history. It will be interesting to see what they do with it.

Timur Wilde Photography said...

Wonderful old building...Great Shot !!

Enjoy your weekend

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is a great looking building. Thanks for the comment.