Monday 18 March 2013

One one of the Giants

This fellow is known as Sir Nicholas and is one of the Aldworth Giants he will be featuring in my next My Grave Place blog.

He rests in Aldworth Parish Church.


Fun60 said...

Not heard of the Aldworth giants. How old is this tomb?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He died in 1343 and was custodian of the Black Prince. I presume you live up in London so there are a lot of places out in the sticks you would not have heard of just like me even though I live out in them. I hated history at school now I love it.

Dana said...

Very cool. I haven't heard of these giants either.

Mommy Evolution said...

It's not too late to share at WW Bloggers at Hope you'll join us!

Black Jack's Carol said...

This is fascinating. Will try to catch your next post about him. I noticed your comment about hating history in school and now loving it. Same here, and I did have a good teacher. I think sometimes, we're just ready at certain times in our lives for "stuff" that may have seemed uninteresting previously.