Saturday 22 December 2012

Silly Bridge

Silly Bridge in Cholsey. It's name could have come from a couple of sources. As a kid one of the favorites was a tank drove over the side of it, I also read of a ghostly presents and ghost train but in all my years living in the village no one has mentioned that story. You need to look back at the history of it to understand why it is called that. When Brunel built the Great Western Railway it first stopped just outside Cholsey at Moulsford which discussions took place which way it went. Didcot won and the railway went forward causing a large cutting to be dug  which went through a roman road that took the villagers of Cholsey to their common land after much argument he built the bridge and not long after the enclosures act came in and the only person to benefit was the local land owner.

There could be another reason for the name, a Mental Hospital was nearby and many of the patients used to jump off it and kill themselves. 

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