Monday, 3 March 2025

The changeing of Hissing Sid


You might have seen  hissing Sid in Wordless Wednesday so I had better give some background to him. Sid the remains of a branch that formed an Ivy Hedge along the road where I live. Last year the parish council got their handyman to cut the hedge and clear the ivy out of it. Problem was the ivy had killed off most of the hedge so I find it hard to believe it will regenerate. The ivy was also home to countless hedge sparrows. After the hedge was cut bad an ivy branch was left that looked like a snake. 

A week or so later I walked past and some one had added a pair of eyes, so I called it Hissing Sid

 Not happy with that a while later he had been given a kitted coat with a arm hole no less, mind you he needed it as it had been frosty


So the today I noticed Sid had been out for the evening as he was wearing bow tie. I look forward to see what happens next.

Take Care

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