Thursday, 23 January 2025

December sunset


I'm still getting through last months SkyWatch photos and these were taken on the 15th Dec when I noticed an orange tinge to the clouds

Looking out the front over the roof

turning around to a more southerly direction 

Then over the Oak tree

To the east the clouds on fire

Happy SkyWatch


Jocelyn said...


Spare Parts and Pics said...

You had gorgeous skies in every direction!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your orange and orangy-pinky skies.

Red said...

Awesome sky shots.

magiceye said...

All delightful captures!

Nanda kumar said...


Fun60 said...

Beautiful skies

HappyK said...

Beautiful skies!!!

Photo Cache said...

These are gorgeous.

Worth a Thousand Words

Light and Voices said...

Love, love the orange sherbet skies you captured.

William Kendall said...
