Tuesday 2 July 2024

Some critters


 I have to admit I have not been very good at posting on a Tuesday and have been tending to post one so it can be used on two memes. This is due my feeling I had not got any photos worth showing but this week I thought I would show some critters I have taken over that past few weeks

I do like pigs and this particular grunter was rooting in a small woodland near the campsite I visit

Squirrels this one I noticed sat on a planter eating a nut

a walk around the lake and mother coot with a couple of young

Common darter having a rest

This dragonfly was scooting around the lake but was had to get a focus on until it landed

It even swiveled its head to watch me as I got closer

How a bout closer still

My wife pointed out something in the wrens nest we have

Two little chicks waiting for mum. Now the thing is the nest sits in an old seating arbor I converted for my BBQ and the other week I was BBQing on in. Now the burgers will have to wait till they have fledged

Took this yesterday with my iphone, The red kit was sat on the telegraph pole opposite when I came out of the back door. I just went back in picked up my phone and went to our front room and took the photo out of the window. The kite just carried on eating the food it had in it's claws

Take Care


Anonymous said...

A beautiful collection of photos. So glad to see what you've been seeing there. (NewRobin13)

NCSue said...

Is that a wild boar? I wouldn't want to tangle with him!
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-visit-to-girard-college.html

HappyK said...

What a great collection of critters!!

EricaSta said...

I am always happy about the exchange in the comments!

Thanks also for the contribution to MosaicMonday. What a wonderful collage.
Greetings and hugs from Heidrun

Sarah MumofThree World said...

You've captured some fantastic detail, especially of the dragon fly and the baby birds!

RachelSwirl said...

Oh I do adore that pig- so cute! Thanks for sharing your snaps and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.