Thursday 6 June 2024

Last of May Skys


 First of all take a look at this photo in the link on Geograph it was taken back in 2008 and back then I knew it was only a mater of time before what happens in the next photo

 Just over a year ago in Feb 2023 I noticed they had cut a new entrance off the roundabout

A week or so ago I stopped off and too this photo of a sweeping road to a new estate

The first show how should now be open

 If you go back to the photo in the link you should see the field as it used to be, I know which I would rather have

On a brighter note a day or so later I took this sunset from my front garden

Happy Skywatch


Jim said...

Good skies.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice skies, I mourn the lost of fields and wildlands.

Slabs said...

Amazing sky and cloud shots. I am always amazed at cloud formation. Love watching them as they change.
I visited you via Skywatch Friday. My entry is #8+9
Please join and share your posts with us

HappyK said...

Fabulous skies. Ours looked like that today too.

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful sunset.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Beautiful sky pics. Love the last one with the sunset.

Red said...

So some good some bad.

Photo Cache said...

Best spot to watch the sunset is just outside your front door.

Worth a Thousand Words

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

At least they haven't blocked off your view of the sky!

Anonymous said...

I always love seeing the sky views there. (NewRobin13)