Monday 8 January 2024

January Floods


I had been wondering what to do this week and was about to do another random photos  post but then it rained so I went off out and took some photos of the flooding around here at Wallingford Bridge. I live in the Thames Valley so I know how bad the flooding gets which is not as bad as some other poor souls have had to put up with in the UK

 On Friday the first place I went was the town steps were the flood markers were, the one just underwater is 2007

This is what the Thames looks like going under Wallingford Bridge in flood

This looks towards the riverside park, what I did not realize is that three  people had left their cars over in the carpark

Saturday it was as high as the 2003 level

Over the bridge and a look in the carpark. I'd seen the mini on the news but it was only up to the top of the wings, now the water was up to the roof line and the other two cars did not fare much better

Here we look upstream along the river and a few boats moored up

This one has lost the mooring at the back in the third photo you can see it is still alongside the flooded bank
Sunday two of the arches are completely underwater

 The water overnight went above the 2003 level

The narrowboat slewed around into the swimming pool fence

This is the boathouse restaurant, it's flooded

The cars, well the mini I think was underwater for a while 

The swimming pool is behind the fence

This is a 180 deg panorama of the floods looking downstream

That's the entrance to the restaurant

 When I went back this morning the water had gone down. I measured the amount the river had risen and it was just over 5" higher than 2003

This was the marsh near where I live, the Thames is about mid photo

Take Care


Anonymous said...

this is very sad to see, we have the same issues here in Florida, USA.. the same places flooding over and over but not every year.. thanks for sharing the photos

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said...

My goodness. I hope you are safe. there has been terrible flooding on our east coast of Australia too. Stay safe, have a good 2024. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

NCSue said...

Oh my. How sad. They year my husband and I got married - 1972 - we experienced a flood and were evacuated from our home. I'll never forget the experience. I hope people were safe.
Thank you for sharing at

HappyK said...

Wow that is a lot of water. It does so much damage. No flooding here, just snow.

magiceye said...

Sad sights. Take care and stay safe.

Red said...

That's some very serious flooding. I hope your place does not flood.

Fun60 said...

I am always thankful the house has never flooded. It has been close on occasions because the drains just can't cope when there is continuous heavy rain. Your photos are very interesting. A new flood mark will have to be put up for 2024.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of flooding there. I hope things are calming down now and no more rain is heading your way... for now. Take care there. (NewRobin13)

Linda said...

Oh my! The new year is off to a strange start, weatherwise.

EricaSta said...

Very sad. The same situation here... I'm very late commenting today... I'm amazed at how quickly the days fly by again in the new year.

Your post is a feast for the eyes in many ways. A very welcome change when I look out of the window here at how rainy and dreary it is here. Well... it's January, it's winter time. It's supposed to get really cold in the next few days (-10 C°) and it's supposed to snow. Thank you for your contribution to

Once again, best wishes for a healthy, happy new year 2024,

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Oh my goodness! That is some serious flooding. I don't suppose those cars would have been any use when the water went down. I was surprised that the levels in 2003 were higher than 2007. I live in Gloucestershire and 2007 will be remembered forever as we were without water for nearly two weeks as a direct result of the floods.

RachelSwirl said...

That's some immense flooding - stay safe and thanks for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.

Jeanne said...

Wow, the amount of damage is painful. If that was my boat, or car, or resturant... I believe documentation like this is important for the future, Good job posting these pictures.

Jeanne said...

Wow, the amount of damage is painful. If that was my boat, or car, or resturant... I believe documentation like this is important for the future, Good job posting these pictures.

klara said...

very sad. hope people were safe.