Thursday 4 January 2024

December Sunrise


Happy Skywatch, sorry Happy New Year to you all, I'll star the new year off with a sunrise I took on the 20th Dec

For once I took these from the patio

Zooming in over the trees at the bottom of the garden, vapour trails over to the left

4 Min later the clouds were changing colour 

Last look at the sky, not long after this the sky lost it's colour. 
Happy Skywatch


Penelope Notes said...

Happy New Year, Billy Blue! Light when it peeks through the clouds inspires hope.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great sky!

HappyK said...

The sky is beautiful.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, glorious skies. Those colors!!

Light and Voices said...

Billy Blue, those skies are quite beautiful. Good way to start 2024.

Fun60 said...

Perfectly timed to catch the best of the sunrise.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hopes for a better new year

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was think you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They do look good

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I felt it needed cheering up

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunrise there, Bill. I love seeing your colorful skies. (NewRobin13)

Lisa said...

Very pretty. I shared a December sunrise too!