Monday 6 November 2023

A Different View

Back in October 2010 I went off to get a photo of a Triangulation Pillar on a hill just outside Didcot, since then the area has chanced so I thought it was time I took another photo

While walking there from where I left my car I took this photo of Didcot Power Station

Present day & I take a different route to get the photo passing a field of corn (Maze) that was cut

 The fields were quite wet from the rain we had

 The path was easy enough to follow

This view looks back to where I left my car

 Following the path takes you through a hedge where you look to wards Culham and the JET project

My first view of what I am looking for

This is what it looks like now. The small hill you see over to the right is made up of household rubbish that has been dumped by the council. It is still growing

Remember the fist photo well this is a crop of the one above and as near as I can get it to the original photo. The old power station has now gone, you might remember the photos I showed of it being demolished. The link will take you to another blog I wrote about the power station.


NCSue said...

Interesting to see how the landscape changed!
Thanks for sharing at

magiceye said...

Lovely landscapes.

Fun60 said...

Pity about all that rubbish being dumped there by the council.

Juvenal Nunes said...

Os campos do milho colhido são todos iguais.
A natureza agradece o pousio até à próxima sementeira.
Abraço amigo.
Juvenal Nunes

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

This is very interesting. I love how the tradition is that there are paths through fields. Would never happen here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Really beautiful skies. Those fields do look muddy!

Joyful said...

Very nice scenes. I'd never know that was a rubbish dump if you didn't tell us. Sadly we humans make and dump a lot of garbage.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Lovely #SkywATCH

Photo Cache said...

I love open spaces.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jim said...


peppylady (Dora) said...

Sure looks different than North Idaho. But it has it unique beauty.
Coffee is on

Alana said...

I live within sight distance of a decommissioned power plant which they tried to demolish a couple of years ago but ran into complications after asbestos was discovered. Your scenery is quite different than the scenery around that plant; I prefer your scenery.

Light and Voices said...

A path through the farmland. How interesting? I just stepped on a tiny piece of property up North a guy came up to the SUV asking what we were doing on his property. I was taking photos of the sunset. Be careful out there in the good ole U.S.A. Sounds like you are safer where you live with a path through the farmland.

RachelSwirl said...

I love how you've captured those lines through the fields. Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

Slabs said...
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Billy Blue Eyes said...

Changed a lot

Billy Blue Eyes said...

In some way yes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They all do it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Eu tenho que me perguntar o quão bem ele vai crescer depois de toda a chuva,
Obrigado pela visita

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have ancient paths here which are protected.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's looking less like one now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Pity some of ours are not so open

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Coffee is on here as wel

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You do get the odd farmer who is nosy but then he does have a right to be if your on his land

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you