Monday 9 October 2023


Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie’s Bronze on the Kinecroft in Wallingford with Flint House in the background. You may have seen on the news about the unveiling on the 15th September 2023 which was her birthday, it was unveiled by her grandson. The bronze was paid for by Wallingford Council who proclaimed that she was a resident of Wallingford for 42 years. That is what they would like you to think! The fact is she was a resident of Winterbrook which, while she was alive, was in the parish of Cholsey SU6088 : Winterbrook. When Agatha passed away, because she was in the parish of Cholsey, she was entitled to be buried at St Mary's church in Cholsey SU5887 : Flowers on the grave. Had she lived in Wallingford her grave would have been lost amongst the others in the cemetery on the edge of town. Wallingford can only claim she was a resident because of a technicality in that Winterbrook is now part of the town. Had Agatha been alive, I think she would have been, like the rest of the residents, upset at joining Wallingford against their wishes.

 I'm not sure it is a good likeness from the photos I have seen

Agatha sat on her bench, most times you see her in the week there is a bus parked behind her

Sitting on her bench she looks over the Kinecroft in Wallingford

Take Care


NCSue said...

She looks like a sweet lady in that sculpture. I read her voraciously and might pick up another book as a refresher. I think Miss Marple was my favorite character.
Thanks for sharing at

Lydia C. Lee said...

Lovely. I adore her work #WWOT

HappyK said...

I've certainly enjoyed her books through the years!!

magiceye said...

Used to be a thrill reading her!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Strange how places claim the famous, even when links are very tenuous. I lived in Grantchester for many years where they claim the poet Rupert Brooke as one of their own when in fact he only rented a room in the village for a few months and by all accounts never paid his rent! Agatha looks like a kindly aunt rather than a writer who enjoyed nothing better than a good murder.

Anonymous said...

And before that she was a Berkshire resident (not Oxfordshire).

NewRobin13 said...

That's a lovely bronze statue and a very solid way to honor Agatha Christie. I know nothing of her background, but I do know that my parents loved to read her books.

Fun60 said...

I did look at images of her on the internet and I'm not sure that is a great likeness. I'm sure the discussion of her residency in the locality will continue for some time.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

I haven't heard anything about this statue before, but it looks amazing. I read nearly all of Agatha Christie's books when I was a teenager. I'm 50 now and still an avid reader, but have never gone back to them. One day I think I might!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I have only just read my first book by her

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You are not alone

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Seems a lot of people still do

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It still is

Billy Blue Eyes said...

She does come across that way

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not quiet she died in 1976 so spent two years in Oxfordshire

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Only background I know of is what I read

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I felt the same after seeing her picture, what ever they say you cannot change history

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I only live a couple of mile from where she lived, Only realized she did when I came across here headstone in the churchyard one day

RachelSwirl said...

I love it when statues are part of benches so you can literally share a seat with them. Thanks for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot and for sharing your snaps.

William Kendall said...

A good setting for the statue though.