Thursday 4 May 2023

More Church Skys


It has been lax of me not to take any sky shot's lately so I thought as I get quite a few nice skys when I visit churches The why not feature some of them from 2023 

St Giles Bletchington was the first church in 2023 though it was taken on a cold morning in December 2022 

 St Mary the Virgin Kirtlington was next taken a an hour or so after the last church, the sky blue in the frosty morning 

St Nicholas Fyfield has a glorious blue sky

But don't ask me how this happened, a mistake while holding the camera

The sky had turned a little grey a short  time later when I stopped off at the chapel up the road

St Michael Begbroke did not disappoint with a blue sky

I visited St Mary the Virgin at Ewelme a few days ago so have not written a blog up on it yet but it shows that the skys are not always blue.
Happy Skywatch


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