Tuesday 28 September 2021

E Scooter




Fun60 said...

For e scooter read nuisance scooter. I'm fed up of them being used on pavements.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Have I ever ridden one? No. Would I try one? Well...maybe.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

These are backed by Oxford City Council though I get your point they are a pain

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No but like you I might if I got a chance

William Kendall said...

I find that more and more I'm despising them. They should be off the streets here in a month. But our mayor, who really ought to leave office, seems to love them.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I've not had the pleasure of these, the kids zipping along the pavements in our village are bad enough. The latest fashion accessory of mums is to carry the kids scooter to and from school because they cannot leave them there, Stupid, should just leave them at home. One day around here there will be an accident.

Aimz said...

We have different coloured ones here, so far I've seen blue ones and green ones and people aren't exactly safe on them either.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are the only ones I have see so far, I just hope they do not become legal on the road