Saturday 4 January 2020

The Church Explorer Review

First may I wish you all a Happy New Year
This week I start off the year with a review of the churches I visited in 2019, it's something I have done every year on that blog though I have to confess I have never don it with this or any other blog. The daily photo could be about a place or just a photo but not since I started the blog have I done a photo every day to have a 360 like in the first year. I find it a little too much. The Church Explorer will take two or three evenings to produce and on top of that the time it takes going to get photos of the church so I put a lot of effort into it. In the last year I have done very little with Spuds Rural  Exploration other that try and update the blogs I have taken down because of my deleting my flickr account though I did bring out a last one on Diamond Light Source and I have another in the making which will publish in the new year coinciding with my Our World Tuesday Post. Forgotten Faimile is another of my Blogs but that I have just left to update when I can and I posted a new blog on Hermitage ward which I realised I never had on my list, could have been deleted but it is now live.
I could not tell you which are my favourite posts of the year. I post on a few Meme's, Our World Tuesday,  Image-in -ing, Wordless Wednesday, and Skywatch Friday. I also post the Church Explorer on Inspired Sunday.
I will mention some of the blogs I love to visit.
The New Dharma Bums I have been following this couple for many years, I love how they tell you of their life around where they live, I might add as we are the same age I relate to a lot of what they say and do.
Spare Parts and Pics A blog I found on Skywatch Friday and one I love visiting because of the guys love of the Joshua Tree national Park. His photos are stunning and his little helper is  growing up fast
Johns Island I do like seeing the views he shows around Seattle though miss the old blogs he wrote showing flowers the shipping and some of the Historic postcards he had.
Tales from Parsonage Cottage always like reading this lady's story's about life in here village and some of the recipes she cooks up from her vintage cook book collection
By Stargoose and Hanglands John shows some great photos and walks from Cambridgeshire on the other side of the country to me
Ottawa Daily Photos.blogspot. Williams photos from around the city are always a pleasure to see
Readerbuzz This lady was a Librarian and still is at heart from the number of books she reads though he also does some cookery and other things to boot
60 and the next 10 This retired lady makes the most of her time
Lindas Lens Ad avid Hiker who is a superb photographer showing the beauty of where she travels to
A Rich Tapestry story's from a retired lady and her husband in Yorkshire. I love the way she surprises me with trips to around where I live as well.
Coming up Close I have only just started following this blog, the lady live in New Zealand and tells you a bit of what is going on and takes photos from around the area local to her where you would not normally see on a holiday there.
They are just a few of the blogs I follow and love to read there are many more which I visit from time to time. Some blogs have stopped which is even sadder but people have their reasons for this, one of them encouraged me to start blogging  in 2012, this will be my 1550 post I thank all of you who visit and follow me you make it worthwhile.

 A taster for the next blog on the Daily Photo
Happy New Year


Fun60 said...

Happy New Year. Thank you for the mention. I also find it difficult to produce numerous posts as it takes me so long to research and write them up especially the Underground ones. I look forward to reading more of your posts during 2020.

William Kendall said...

Thanks for the mention, Bill!