Monday 17 March 2014

Floor Mosaic

Just lately I have been showing some photos from a place called Silchester which is an old Roman Town near Reading. Today I thought you would like to see something that was found there.
 These mosaic floors were unearthed in one of the archeological digs there
 They are nearly complete floors
But I feel show a wonderful mosaic mural from 2000 years ago. They can be seen in Reading Museum. Taking Part in Monday Mural
Happy St Patrick's Day


Andy said...

I understand that the swastika once had positive meanings. My mind can't seem to grasp that feeling. This is not a criticism of your photos.

Unknown said...

It would be so exciting to uncover a mosaic floor like those ones. There is always treasure to uncover. The colour is still visible.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Did not notice till you mentiond it but it show they are old

s.c said...

Very nice mosaic. Yes the romans were indeed everywhere.

Tanya Breese said...

wow, that is pretty amazing!!

Pam said...

Love these!

Halcyon said...

Wow! Amazing that these pieces are so old. They don't look it. ;-)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Fabulous - I recall seeing these 'live' - last century!! (The Romans used an interlocking 'key' patterning which Andy has interpreted by its lines rather than its spaces...the swastika is actually a Hindu religious symbol to ward off evil and is drawn in reverse to the lines shown here plus it has four dots within its arms.) YAM xx

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wow! Again, it makes me wonder what's beneath my neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing such a find.

RedPat said...

These are gorgeous!

VioletSky said...

That vase goes very well with the second floor. These are in remarkably good condition!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Roman artifacts give me a thrill. I've been on Roman digs in Kent and love the feeling of uncovering something so old. I've seen the floor mosaics in St. Albans and Cirencester but didn't know about the ones in Reading. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

Linda said...

Nice! And they would make nice rugs, not out of place even today.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Wait till you see next weeks