Monday 29 July 2013

Having a preen

Now this Red Kite comes and sits in the fir tree near my house (two doors down) they are one of the most successful reintroductions of  a bird the country has know and they were reintroduced not far from where I live. It has to be my favorite bird and I never cease to stop for a moment to watch them.

 Preening its feathers
 Looking around
 and my attempt to catch it taking off. I think they are a majestic bird.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday

25 comments: said...

What a beautiful bird- you were lucky to catch it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Cynthia said...

Beautiful photos of a majestic bird!

Lea said...

Very nice!
Have a great day!
Lea's Menagerie

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It taunts me by crying for its colleagues while sat there.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, means a lot after seeing your photo's

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hope yours is better than the one we had (rain)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your right there, thank you for the comment

Fun60 said...

I was so pleased to read this post as my walk has taken me into red kite country (Marlow to Henley). I can't believe the number of kites i've seen. thanks for your photo. My camera just isn't up to close ups like that.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes Henley has it's fair share of them but Christmas Common in Watlington is the place though I know of a place they nest where I keep my caravan. I see your getting to near where I live now then.

HansHB said...

Great serie of photos.
Perfect for the sky-theme!

Dana said...

Wow! Wonderful photos—especially the second one!

Jim said...

Terrific captures.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, thought it might work

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes he does look great

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks Jim

Kay L. Davies said...

The second photo is wonderful!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's got to be that spiky head of his that does it

Steffi said...

Very beautiful bird-photos,Bill!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bill,
wonderful series, great work!
Have a nice day

Thanks if you visit my blog

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh Bill this is magnificent and thank you for entering the post into the Wings On Wednesday meme!! That it should also be of the kite family delights me no end as I adore these birds. Do keep watching as I eventually reveal an absolute corker from my collection... not yet but soooonnn... &*> YAM xx

Geoauntie said...

Dear Bill,

We came to see these photos from Yaminis Wings on Wednesdays linky, they are wonderful images, you are so lucky to have such majestic birds - I agree you they are - living so close to you.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'll hav eto keep a look out for your post

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was a while ago but the best bitis I took th ephoto from my bathroom window as the Kite was in a tree in a nearby garden but they are aways flying over our house.