Sunday 14 July 2024

The Rat


Rats are not my favorite creature especially when I find them feeding on the fat balls I leave out for the birds so I decided to set a trap for it. I found out where it lives which I think is under my shed. I also caught it on my wild life camera

The trap was left there for it to get used to. The white powder is baking bicarbonate of soda, I read somewhere it was not good for rats so left a flowerpot tray out with some mixed with cheese. The tray dissipated along with the powder and some must of got spilled when it was taken

It seems interested in the trap, must smell the old peanut butter that was in it, the branch is off a bay tree though it does not seem interested in that either

Gets fed up so turns away

and heads back under the shed

I bated the trap and had the camera going at night and this little mouse comes along and sniffs almost setting the trap off. How it got away with it I do not know because the video shows it running off into the wood store behind. That is one lucky mouse.  Since then I have not seen the rat on the camera though something set off another trap and ran with it till it fell off by a fence nearby. There are also a few cats come sniffing around as these have been caught on the camera as well.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather have snakes than rats. Hope you get him.

HappyK said...

Maybe the one of the cats will get the rat!!

Red said...

I don't like rats either. we don't have any here.

Fun60 said...

I can't stand rats but there seem to be more of them around.

Rosemary said...

Keep on trying - rats are difficult little devils to catch.

NCSue said...

I used to have a cat that would only catch dead mice. He'd wait for the mousetrap to go off, then tote the deployed trap and carcass to the side of my bed where my foot would find it in the morning. Works better than an alarm clock for getting me wide awake.
Thanks for sharing at

Mary Kirkland said...

Awww, Poor wee rat. I like rats. I've had them as pets. I know a lot of people see them as pests but if you visit my blog on Mondays, you know I love the little creatures.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

It is remarkable the mouse escaped! I saw a rat in our garden a few weeks ago, then our dog found him. I'm not sure if she was scared of him or excited about him, but she was just barking and going mad and the rat ran away.

RachelSwirl said...

Well Hello Rizzo!