Saturday, 8 February 2025

St Mary the Virgin Adderbury


This week the Church Explorer takes you on his first visit of the year to North Oxfordshire, Just over an hours drive and you get to one of the largest churches in Oxfordshire St Mary the Virgin Adderbury, a wonderful church with a lot of history and wonderful carvings on the outside 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Christmas Eve


Sill in December and one I forgot about, Christmas Eve the excitement over the next day for kids would be getting to the high point. Me I was excited because I took the sunrise  

Out the bathroom window it looked glorious

The opposite way a Red Kite was up early looking for breakfast

The sky was on fire

Happy SkyWatch

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

My Mini


A lady asked on my blog the other day was that my Mini hiding around the corner, truth is no, I sold mine back in 2011 as I needed the garage space for an extension to our house that was going to happen. The thing is I have had Minis on and off since I was 19 so I thought I would show my favorite ones

  The first one I owned after my Lambretta was sold, (came off it and ended up under the wheels of a truck) The car got resprayed blue with a black roof and I leaned how to fix the car after blowing up the engine and wrecking a rear radius arm

I went through another three Mini's  before  I bought my 1275GT which like the previous one I did a few 12 car rallies in. This one was different I fitted a 1275 Cooper S engine in  it which I modified. The car had been rebuilt by me in Dads garage, the engine I built in the shed. It's take outside my first house.

 Not mine but a friends Racing Mini Se7en, I learned a lot helping prepare the car and at racing circuits. It won a lot of races.

After selling my GT and having a couple of Fords then a couple of kids I decided to get a couple of minis because it was as cheap to insure the two as it was the ford I had. This was the one I bought which my wife drove. We got our kid in it along with two push chairs so why mum's want to drive around in a dam great gas guzzling 4x4 now a days is beyond me

Ten years later my wife bought a new Mini Cooper and I decided to restore my old mini after finding the one I bought to restore had some holes in it, Mine did as well so the other was scrapped and this is how the mini looked after I fitted the new parts to it, the metal on the floor is what I took out.

This is how it looked when I finished it

You would not have missed it or not heard it as I had modified the engine as well as everything else on the car, it was nigh on a racing car and was really fun to drive.

 Take care

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Sr Edburg Bicester Pt2



This week the Church Explorer is back at St Edburg  Bicester to show you around the inside of the beautiful old church

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Newbury Lock


Different place this week, Newbury. The lock to be precise taken from the bridge on Bridge street where I went to while my wife went out trying to find Christmas Presents. Always on the lookout for a skywatch this one was hard not to miss

Wide view from the bridge

Zooming in on the lock which is on the right, the part to the left is the river Kennet, back in the 1970's I did a raft race that came through Newbury, we had to go around the lock and down the steps you see in the center, not easy with a flimsy raft between four of you, we finished nearly last

Last view of the lock zoomed in.
Happy SkyWatch


Monday, 27 January 2025

More Rain


Well over here in the UK we have been hit by a couple of storms in as as many days not only was there wind there was rain as well, O yes some hail mixed in with it as well

Looks like we has some show nut no that is a layer of hailstones 

My rain gauge beside the moon-gazing hare, the accumulation of a few days rain, most from below the hoop was last night

I went out for a while in my car and stopped to get this photo of the weather, the water there is flooded fields , it's like that in a lot of places around here

A a few miles up the road another flooded field

On the way back I stopped off to get a photo of a Rainbow

This is looking the other way at a filed in a previous photo

An this is one of the roads in out village, the water would be right up to where I am stood last night. I might add there are could more places in the village where the road is flooded as bad, one outside the local pub where people have to take their kids to school while cars try and negotiate the flood because of a collapsed pipe in the pub car park no one will sort out

The rain gauge again, while I was out the level went up another 6mm while I was away
Take care

Saturday, 25 January 2025

St Edburg Bicester



This week the Church Explorer visits St Edburg Bicester which was one of the last churches I visited  in 2025. The church will be show over two weeks with the inside next week

Thursday, 23 January 2025

December sunset


I'm still getting through last months SkyWatch photos and these were taken on the 15th Dec when I noticed an orange tinge to the clouds

Looking out the front over the roof

turning around to a more southerly direction 

Then over the Oak tree

To the east the clouds on fire

Happy SkyWatch

Tuesday, 21 January 2025