Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Retro walk


This week I thought of showing some photos I found from around Wallingford, these were taken back in 2008 

Winterbook at the time I took this photo it was in the parish of Cholsey
St Leonards lane named after the old church you see.
St Leonard's churchyard
Mill lane

 Oppiosite is the mill which I knew as Hunts Mill, the shop was the building at the end. I remember going in there and that there was a mill wheel
Reading road going out of Wallingford towards Winterbrook
St Mary's street 
Market square, the town hall is to my left

All hallows churchyard a bit of a forgotten place

This was a doctors surgery when I was a kid

The entrance to the Bull croft one of two parks in Wallkingford

This was something I came across while walking along one of the paths in the bull croft, it used to be in the marked square where the war memorial is now

The almshouses these date back to 1681
Take Care


CosmicGrant said...

You have no idea how much I want to walk down those streets and then go to a pub for dinner.


Beautiful nostalgic captures of Wallingford! It’s always fascinating to see how places looked in the past and the memories tied to them. Thanks for sharing!

New post: www.melodyjacob.com

Sarah MumofThree World said...

It looks a pretty little town. The mill reminds me of one in Tewkesbury, but this one is in a much better state of repair!

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots.