Wednesday 19 June 2024

Pips Bench


Sorry I missed posting this week as I was away and did not get a chance to do anything before going but I always find something for Skywatch

My wife and I took a walk up Aberedw hill and as normal I stopped to take in the view

The track through the quarry on the left used to be a hard climb over a rocky surface but over the winter it was smoothed out, bare in mind I have been coming up here for 20 odd years and struggled up to now because the going is so much easier

We took a different track when we got further on and came across this bench

It's one of the best ones I have come across and was placed there in memory of Pip Morgan who died of cancer and was a local postman who was a very keen cyclist 

I like to thing his friends remember him when they ride past

The view from the bench was worth the effort

It sits at a cross roads of paths cyclists use


It has become our new go to place and I sit here and take in the view and remember a guy I never met.
Happy Skywatch


NCSue said...

What a lovely spot for a ride or a ramble, and for remembering a dear friend.
Thank you for sharing at

HappyK said...

Gorgeous views, what a fantastic walk. A beautiful bench in memory of Pip.

Red said...

What an excellent place to come and quietly watch activities in the valley.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Such wonderful countryside and a superb place to find a bench.

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said...

what a beautiful view and a lovely place to sit and remember old friends. Enjoy the rest of your week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

Soma @ said...

That is a beautiful bench and what a great view! I really miss seeing and walking the English countryside when I come back to the US. I can easily see why it has become your favourite place.


EricaSta said...

Yes, I enjoyed reading so much. What a lovely place.

Thank you for sharing on MM.
Greetings from Heidrun

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a very good view. I love the bench. I don't know where you live but here the cyclists are quite social. The pitch in at all trail work days and look out after each other.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

So much beautiful greenery. I love the bench and what it stands for!

Lisa said...

That is an incredible view, and perfect place for a bench.

Joyful said...

You have a very beautiful view of the countryside.

Linda said...

Pip’s Bench is nice but bittersweet.

In the Company of Me said...

Lovely series of photos, Spud! Pip's Bench looks like a beautiful spot to relax and watch the clouds drift by. It's a wonderful way to remember Pip.

RachelSwirl said...

Such stunning scenery - Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

Fun60 said...

A lot of thought has gone into the construction of that unique bench. Very unusual and just begs for you to sit down and enjoy the view.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

What a beautiful bench! I've never seen one as intricate as that before. The views from the hill look beautiful too.

Photo Cache said...

I love how verdant and open the landscape is.

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