Thursday 13 June 2024

End of May Sunset


Only a couple of photo's this week of a sunset I captured out the front of our house after noticing the sky from the kitchen window

It looked quite spectacular

 Same again only this time with a google effect on it. The sky did not last that long so I never managed to get any more photos.

Happy Skywatch


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice skies you have for us!!

HappyK said...


Red said...

The sky changes rapidly so it's hard to get many photos.

magiceye said...

Beautiful sky photos.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the sunsets there. So lovely. (NewRobin13)

Lisa said...

You have such a nice sky view.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous. I like how the yellow light is shining up through the clouds!

Photo Cache said...

Nice color.

Worth a Thousand Words