
Monday 17 February 2020

Medow View

Meadow view is a new housing estate built in our village. About 18 months ago the place was just a field now it is almost finished. I took a tour around to see how the field had changed.

This is what the place looks like now

The developers sign is still up advertising houses for sale
 So this is the road in it's called Agatha Christie Way named after the Author who once live in Winterbrook which was in the Parish of Cholsey before it was purloined by Wallingford. She is buried in the village Churchyard

The only green bit on the estate they cannot build on because they found Roman Farmhouse here

This road turns right  from the entrance road

If you go left this is the view you get
 Keep going around and you walk along this long straight part

It finishes here along a road called Ashfield Way, just beyond that van is another field I have no doubt that developers would like to get their hands on. I night add the road ends there as well. This part of the estate was built on wasteland an the end of another road

I was stood here when I took the past photo the junction of Agatha Christie Way

Which is where I went to get a photo of the last house being built, Might add it has the biggest garden 
I walked back out and took this photo of a  seating area in the green space though I really do not know the purpose of the rocks
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Those rocks look odd there. A lot of new housing in your village.

    1. Yes they do look odd, I tought they might fix plaques to them telling you about the Romans in the area

  2. A mini stone henge feature? Remind you of the wilderness that were once there? The thing I don't get with estates is they build all the houses the same. Especially over here - I'm not sure that's a thing that looks so good over time.

    1. This one has some nice houses, just depends on how much you want to pay

  3. Looks like they did a nice job there. I love the road design. It's a nice touch.

    1. Yes Paverbricks, they had to remove a laod so they could dig the road up. I wonder ho wlong they will last with the traffick

  4. It's interesting to see neighborhoods in other countries. I noticed how close together the houses are. New construction is the same way where I live. Firemen don't like that because fires can easily spread from house to house and there isn't room to get their equipment between the structures.

    1. Difference is ours are built from bricks not wood like in the US. Fires are problem if you live in a semi

  5. that's a very major housing development.

    1. Small by comparrison to others localy, there are only 100 odd houses, some of the estates being built have upwards of 500

  6. Looks like a nice area to live in, good to hear they kept the place where the roman villa was.

  7. That is a beautiful new residential area!
    I wonder how expensive are the houses ?!

    1. The one being built is £550,ooo around €663,352

  8. nice place with the houses and around!!

    1. The lad around is a bit flat but looks better as you view away

  9. I love to see neighborhoods in other countries. Love the photos!

    Happy Tuesday!

  10. I like the brick. Here they are putting up so much vinyl siding and it looks cheap.

  11. The brick paved roads are attractive, as well as the houses. There is a lot of development where I live and I'm sad to see all the open space dwindle away.

  12. Soldiers on parade is what I think when I see that. The same five designs over and over again.


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