
Thursday 27 October 2022

SkyWatch in two Countries


Yes in England and Wales. The sunrise was first thing when I got up at our house and the sunset later when we went to our caravan in Wales, sort of start and end to a beautiful day. If there is overkill on the photos you know I'm a sucker for sunrises & sunsets

First thing in the morning I let the dog out and noticed this sky

A beautiful pink culour

The sky and clouds waiting for the sunrise to happen

About 11 hours later while walking the dog in Wales where we stay I noticed these clouds reflecting the sun going down

The sky was glowing

Further on looking back north east

and east towards the Radnor hills

Firther up the hill I stopped to see the last sky of the sunset

The sky still glowed from the colour

The clouds seemed reluctant to gather while the sun gave off it's last rays 

Happy Skywatch


  1. You get some of the most beautiful skies. Your open, expansive countryside allows for full view!

  2. You have a beautiful view of things, and it isn't often we can watch the sun rise in one country and set in another.

  3. It's always so wonderful to see your photos of sunrises and sunsets. You do get to see some beautiful skies.

  4. Beautiful skies but I like the sunrise better. :)

  5. A true photoblogger you are, always at the ready to take great photos, even when letting the dog out. Great series of skies you give us.

  6. PINK sunrise. 11 hours later a glowing sunset. What a peaceful place!

  7. Wow, those pictures are stunning.


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