
Monday 24 October 2022

Abbey Cwmhir


Normally I would write about this in the church Explorer but I thought I would do a shorter version for this blog. A few weeks ago I visited a church at Abbey Cwmhir nearby an this old sign pointing directions to places in the village

One finger pointed to the Abbey Ruins

If you follow it you come to this farm follow the directions show there

and after going past the back door of the far you come to this field where you can see the ruined walls of the old abbey

Looking down it the place must have been huge

The pillars that held the roof up must have been imminence

Near the end of the abbey you will find this memorial stone of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd the last native Prince of Wales

There is a small museum you can visit in one of the farm buildings

where you will see information boards and a photo frame

Which commemorates King Charles III visiting when he was Prince of Wales. Makes you feel humbled to know who's footsteps you folowed

Take Care


  1. Amazing place. It must have been quite a fortress in its heyday.
    Interesting to see words written in Welsh. I've never heard it spoken but I imagine it requires agility! I bet it's a heck of a feat to learn the language.
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. Love to observe this place as it is so filled with history

  3. Oh that is lovely. All that green grass is just gorgeous.

  4. That is such a beautiful place with so much history. I love those stone walls. What a great place to explore.

  5. It would have been something to see back in its day.

  6. Oh, the museum looks very interesting!


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