
Monday 23 August 2021

The rest of the Walk


About time I carried on and showed you the rest of the walk I featured on Skywatch Friday a couple of weeks ago. It was time I revisited the development that had been started early this year, if you click on the link it will refresh your memory of what I am talking about

Since the last time I came along here the developers have now improved the road leading through Blackhalls Farm

On coming to where the barns are opposite you see the construction site, the site offices are to my right out of sight but this huge mortar mixer dominates it all

Further on  looking through the fence you can see work is well on its way with a road already laid

Part of one of the estate roads where the houses will be. On my last visit the whole area was stripped and they had done archaeological work here finding an ancient driftway showing people had build a road here in the past 

The fittings for the fist houses are laid

The close up shows the floor construction, concrete joists and in between thick layers of foam. Another load of cement will go on top of this get and no doubt some more foam. All this to ensure the house has no hear loss.

The scene has chance since my last visit and will again by the next time I come along here

It will not be long before you see houses lining this entrance road.

I'll finish my walk here at the start of Bill Money way named after one of the villagers from the past and who was the fist chairman of the village council. His son passed away early this year and I might add he was one of the nicest people I knew.
Take Care 
 Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone



  1. That estate will be up in no time now.

    1. I had though a house would be up by now but I'd say another couple of months

  2. Nice walk, thanks for the update. Similar things are going on here. People have to live somewhere.

    1. They do but we would rather it was not around here

  3. It will be fascinating for you to watch the progress of this development. I remember when they paved our gravel road. I had no idea what the process involved so I was fascinated to watch the process. I imaging you'll have a similar opportunity - so much goes into successfully developing an area like this!
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. They did that along the road from me a few weeks ago when they repaired a road

  4. I see that they call it "Poppy Fields and Yew Tree Gardens" though there's neither a poppy or a yew tree in sight. I guess it helps to sell the houses.

    1. The filed the houses are being built on did have poppies in it last year but I cannot remember seeing any yew tree on the far that used to be on the land

  5. Nice to see this update. Looks like a lovely place for a walk with a big view of the sky there.

  6. Looks like these are solidly built. Here there are communities going up that I call plasticville. They have cheap vinyl siding.

  7. It's amazing what they can do in just a little while. I appreciate your update.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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