
Monday 16 November 2020

Tokyo Crowds


Having to troll my archive this week and taking you back to Tokyo for some photos I took around the city in my weekend off from working, the place always seemed to be crowded. You will have to bare with me as I really do not have a clue where I was in the city. All the photos were taken back in the 1980s so as you can guess are scanned

 Think this must have been some fairground type attraction judging my the kids around it

The guy I went with fro the company I worked at stood out (denim shirt & jeans) among everyone while on his left the agent who was showing us around looked for attractions

 We were in a car driving to the place we were working when a bunch of school girls crossed the road

I was told what this building was but the thing on top looks like a sperm wiggling. Looks like the scouts are collecting on the corner  

Some places were very crowded
Others not so bad you can even seem my friend in the black shirt walking behind a couple of the agents guiding us
These ladies were making tea and serving it to other ladies sat at the tables, sort of tea in the park
Take care everyone
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care Everyone


  1. I find it interesting looking back over old photos and like you I am not always sure about my exact location. Forty years on I am sure it would look different now.

    1. Bad enough in the UK but going back to a place you went a couple of times fourty years ago I would find hard to remember

  2. Sad what we've come to - my first reaction upon seeing a photo like that is to worry about masks and social distancing.
    Be safe and well!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. These are fun to see. I recently found a set of slides from first trip to Europe in 1985. It was so much fun reviewing those. You must enjoy looking at these and remembering that trip.

    1. Few thinks I would rather not remember there, like getting drunk

  4. Looking back can be fun. Nice photos!

  5. I've always wanted to visit Japan so I enjoyed your photos.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you just a shame we did not have iPhones then I would have taken more

  7. That must have been a fascinating trip! Lucky you.

  8. Living on a dairy farm has spoiled me to enjoying being alone. I really enjoyed seeing your photos with the busy people and awesome architecture but surely wouldn't want to be among them--pandemic or not.

    I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!


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