
Thursday 9 February 2017

Lowbury Hill Sky

This was the culmination of my Ridgeway walk the place I had wanted to get a photo, it's called Deans Bottom and I needed a photo of it for my Exploration Blog for a one I am putting together (all will be revealed then) I still need to go to a footpath in the distance and get a shot uphill. If you followed  along this valley you will come to the Thames at Moulsford.

Right behind where I took the last photo is Lowbury Hill and this is the trig point on the top I think it marks 165 meters above sea level (584FT). You are looking right across the Berkshire Downs and the Ridgeway which is over to the left out of sight. Over to the right you can make out the Harwell Campus and Diamond Light Source. From this point you can see for miles all around. One of the interesting things here are the remains of a Roman Temple though all you can See is a series of humps and a few Tumulus

Below is a panoramic of Deans Bottom, I live over to the left about 5 miles in the distance

Another Panoramic of Lowbury Hill

This one is looking the other way towards my Village

Hope you enjoyed this weeks skywatch


  1. Hello, great views and sky shots. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.

  2. Love the gently rolling greens in these scenes.

  3. I love these big panoramic views! Exploration blog? Looking forward to it!!

    1. Thanks for that, if you look at the sidebar on the top of my blog you will see I list my threee other blogs below my profile the exploration blog is one of them

  4. I love your panorama shots. Quite beautiful, and it really gives a sense of the expansive perspective of earth and sky out there!

    1. They could be better pity Canon does not do panoramas on the cameras

  5. Those panoramic shots work really well Bill. You do live in a very nice part of England.

  6. Hi Bill, Just spent a few moments looking over the last week of posts on Spud's Daily Photo. You do a great job with this blog. Of course, the Ghost in the Machine is most mysterious. Need more info on that! :-) Quite a nice report on the Royal Visit! Congrats on 15 years of Diamond Light Source. My favorite comes into view on Feb 9, Lowbury Hill Sky. What a beautiful opening photo! I clicked to enlarge the images and just sat here for a while admiring the scene. Such beautiful country. Love that panorama too! Thanks for sharing your photography! Hope you are having a fine weekend!

  7. Beautiful views and lovely landscape!


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