
Wednesday 8 February 2017

A Royal Visit

Diamond Light Source is celebrating it's 15th Anniversary plus 10 years of operation and research Since HM the Queen opened the facility. On this occasion HRH Princess Royal was invited along to unveil a couple of plaques to commemorate this event.

 No camera so had to use my phone and took this through the project office window of  Princess Anne being shown a model of Diamond by CEO Andrew Harrison

 Technical Director Richard Walker escorts HRH into the Storage Ring

Then proceeds to tell HRH all about the Storage Ring 

 After they had gone on a tour I popped round to where the ceremony would take place. I might add the large piece of equipment you see is part of the storage facility and was put in 12 years ago and carried beam around till six months ago when it was removed and new updated part replaced it.

  Here CEO Andrew Harrison gives a speech with HRH Princess Anne looking on


 Princess Anne gives a short Speech

 Then unveils the plaques while Andrew Harrison looks very happy

 Princess Anne reading the Plaques

Princess Anne signs the visitors book 

After every one had gone I went back and took a photo of the plaques that were unveiled and will be put in place on a later date

 Here is to another 15 years of Diamond Light Source


  1. This is so cool! We've been watching The Crown on Netflix, and these photos now really mean something to me. To have Princess Anne there is really cool!

    1. She was stood about 10ft from me when I was taking the photo's

  2. Your shots of her are very good! She was here some years back for a Remembrance Day, and took part in the ceremony.

  3. Impressive. Did security search you?


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