
Monday 1 August 2016

Last visit to Mottisfont

On our last visit to Mottisfont my wife & I felt it was a bit of a waste of time as most of the roses had either go over or balled from the rain we had in the previous weeks. I only took a few photos so I'll show a few today. If you want to see or previous visit click the link above. 

Getting there early has its benefits as there are few people around

The sky at least had a few clouds but mostly sunshine

Some of the roses were in bloom like this Veilchenblau

Mind you I felt the high lite was seeing this Robin in the rose bush

I tried to go closer and it seemed OK

But it was not to be, the robin flew off and not long after so did we till our next visit
Taking Part in Our world Tuesday


  1. I like the clouds in the second photo. Neat to see the robin as well--we don't have that type here. Glad you were able to get a few good photos even if the trip was disappointing.

  2. It still looks like quite a beautiful garden there. Love the skies too. And, I really appreciate seeing what robins look like there.

  3. The robin looks very happy in amongst the beautiful flowers :)

  4. I like the colours of those blossoms.

  5. nice to be next to the nature


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