
Thursday 4 August 2016

Cherry Picker Sky

Spotted these cherry pickers  near the railway station car park the other day and thought they would make a great skywatch subject.


  1. I don't know what is happening Bill. I've just had your last 20 posts come through on my blog feed one after the other. For ages now try as I might I could not follow your blog then just a week or two ago I started to receive them again!

    1. My wife thought I had a virus of somone hacked my account as the blog kept getting redirected to something called birdseyeview. After spending ages and checking the settings by compating my blogs I found a setting had been setto redirct. Deleting the setting cured the problem.

  2. They are different!

    Regarding your followers post that seems to have vanished, I have long had the same experience- as far as your posts were concerned, I only got up to a post from two years back now about the rabbit in the lane. At least until now- I have about a dozen or so posts from you in my blogroll listed as about forty five minutes ago of this writing. It would not update for me in my blogroll beyond that, so every few days I've just clicked on your home page and got caught up that way. If you do decide to go with a second blog, don't close this one, as that's a handy way for spammers to hijack it. Just leave it open but only do new posts in the next version.

    1. Turns out it was somting I may have done in the settings. It could also be the reason some of my followers left as they were not getting updates.

  3. Some kind of 'droid, looking around to see what needs doing...

  4. You are right. It does make for an interesting photo.

  5. Like strange alien creatures waiting for the gates to open!

  6. Love this photo! Looks like a bunch of tall creatures waiting to be fed!

    I also had a large amount of your posts appear in my feed the other day. It looks like the Russian spammers have been at it again, because my blog has been getting hundreds of hits from Russia. I changed my http setting so I'm hoping that took care of things.

  7. That made for a fun and interesting sky shot!

  8. Looks like it could be an image from War of the Worlds!

  9. Aliens!!!! Very cool shots. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Great idea for a skywatch photo opportunity, Bill!


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