
Monday 16 March 2015

Misty Day on the Ridgeway

 I have shown some photos from parts of the Ridgeway before so I thought I'd bore you with a few more from near Wantage. This was part of the Berkshire downs which is now in Oxfordshire. Most of the Ridgeway is known by me as I have walked along may parts of it and from time to time I will show you more

We only stopped off to have a coffee from a flask we took and a short walk but the track was too muddy for the footwear we had and it did not help that it was very murky that day

 This looks towards the monument to Lord Wantage VC which you can see mid photo

Near the carparks to seach section you will see a map

like this pointing the way and where you ar

this is looking across the road towards the track which will take you to Letcombe Bassett

One thing you should always find is a Signpost pointing the way
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. This IS a muddy time for you, I guess. It will soon be here too. YUCK! ;)

  2. What a misty day. Look forward to seeing more photos of this well known trail.

  3. Wonderful misty shots ~ great composition!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. I like the look of the trail but not the mud. Ick!

  5. It feels like I'm on the "moors" with one of the Bronte's characters.
    Happy travels. I am joining you today at Our World Tuesday. Nice to "meet" you.

  6. I love the mist. It makes for such wonderful, diffused light.

  7. I love taking these little trips around the countryside and I love that murky look to all these photos.

  8. You almost expect the Hound of the Baskervilles to come bounding out of the mist.


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