
Monday 4 August 2014

Private A. Abdey

Normally I would post some snippet of a place I had been or something of interest on Our World Tuesday but today as we remember the starting of World War 1 I thought I would share a blog I normally write use on My Grave Place 

One Hundred Years ago the first World War Started and Britain went to war with Germany. At the time the Royal Berks territorials were on summer camp Private Alfred Abdey would have been with them but for the fact he was in Hospital at the time in Wallingford. He passed away the day after war was declared on the 5th August 1914. Because he died in service he was given a Commonwealth War Grave like many of his comrades who died on the Battlefield.

His Brother  Lance Corporal Herbert John Abdey is Remembered on Loos Memorial, the panel reference is 93- 95 which I fear means his body was never found and is remembered on Alfred's Headstone 

You can read more about the men from Cholsey who gave their lives for their country in the link I gave at the beginning. The War did affect the village and I fear many families were destined to die out the Abdeys being one as I noticed this last grave not far away in the new churchyard

Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Some real sadness in your post.
    It is right to remember them.

  2. How sad to be the last to bear that name.

  3. How sad that the war that was to end all wars ended the lives of so many good people. This post is a lovely tribute.

  4. How sad to see the graves of young men who died in WWI. It is also sad to see a fine family name not be passed on. Our son was the only one of my husband's siblings to be a boy and we are happy he has had two sons to pass down our name to another generation.

  5. Such a sad time when so many young people lost their lives. I hope history does not repeat itself, but with all that's going on in the middle east and Ukraine these days, I'm not so sure...

  6. That final grave is so poignant.

  7. The final grave is my Father in Law Eric Abdey. Eric had 3 daughters, our daughter carries the surname Abdey Miles


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