
Sunday 24 November 2013

Robby Raindeer

Well I've done it I have reached my goal and done my first 365, I started a year ago with this photo of a Town Crier taken in Newbury so today I thought I would do a little seasonal theme with this Raindeer I took at a Garden Center I felt he had such a happy face.

That's it, I'm not sure where to go from here. For the last year I have been juggling up to five blogs which have now dropped to four. It has been quite a strain working out what to post,  the A to Z Challenge was problematic but I persevered and came though to finish, next year I should be a bit more organized. I've had nearly 17000 hits and gained a few followers though not as many as I would have liked due to me not enabling the follow me button till most of the way through the  year.  I'm going to recoup over the next week or so and start off again with another 365 so please excuse me if I miss the odd day. Anyone know any 365 mimes?
Have a peaceful Sunday


  1. Hari OM
    How about starting your own memes Bill? Just thinking aloud.... Looking forward to more in the next set!!! YAM xx

  2. That's a lovely festive piece of wood - do keep blogging but don't get too fixed on having to post every single day.

    1. I intend to keep blogging it's too much fun not to. I feel I'm letting myself down calling it a daily blog and not posing though I might ease off till the new year then go back to Daily and another 365

  3. Très joli post! j'adore!
    Merci de ta visite et de tes gentils commentaires sur mes pages, Merci, bonne journée!
    Bon dimanche, Cath.

    1. Pas de problème Cath je profiter de votre blog.

  4. Congratulations! I remember wondering if I would be able to make it for a full year. Now I have just passed my five year anniversary! There were many times that I became discouraged but my loyal followers have kept me going.

  5. I look forward to your next 365. It is quite a challenge, one that I probably wouldn't try myself, but I am glad that you did. Enjoy your respite, Bill.

    1. Thank you Robin & Andrea it is a challenge but one I enjoy

  6. Congratulations Bill. What an achievement.

    1. Thank you if it had not for seeing your blog and following it I may well have given up

  7. Cute reindeer. Congrats on completing 365 shots.

  8. Congratulations, Bill! That's a wonderful accomplishment! I can't wait to see what you do next. :)

    1. I don't think it will change much though I think one of the other blogs will drop off next year

  9. Congratulations Bill. Great Effort. I struggle with one a week!

    I may not comment on every post but have been a regular follower since April and look forward to the next 12 month

  10. Congrats, Bill! That's a mighty feat to accomplish. And, look you're already going at the it again.


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