
Tuesday, 4 February 2025

My Mini


A lady asked on my blog the other day was that my Mini hiding around the corner, truth is no, I sold mine back in 2011 as I needed the garage space for an extension to our house that was going to happen. The thing is I have had Minis on and off since I was 19 so I thought I would show my favorite ones

  The first one I owned after my Lambretta was sold, (came off it and ended up under the wheels of a truck) The car got resprayed blue with a black roof and I leaned how to fix the car after blowing up the engine and wrecking a rear radius arm

I went through another three Mini's  before  I bought my 1275GT which like the previous one I did a few 12 car rallies in. This one was different I fitted a 1275 Cooper S engine in  it which I modified. The car had been rebuilt by me in Dads garage, the engine I built in the shed. It's take outside my first house.

 Not mine but a friends Racing Mini Se7en, I learned a lot helping prepare the car and at racing circuits. It won a lot of races.

After selling my GT and having a couple of Fords then a couple of kids I decided to get a couple of minis because it was as cheap to insure the two as it was the ford I had. This was the one I bought which my wife drove. We got our kid in it along with two push chairs so why mum's want to drive around in a dam great gas guzzling 4x4 now a days is beyond me

Ten years later my wife bought a new Mini Cooper and I decided to restore my old mini after finding the one I bought to restore had some holes in it, Mine did as well so the other was scrapped and this is how the mini looked after I fitted the new parts to it, the metal on the floor is what I took out.

This is how it looked when I finished it

You would not have missed it or not heard it as I had modified the engine as well as everything else on the car, it was nigh on a racing car and was really fun to drive.

 Take care


  1. Wow... what a collection of Minis. Thank you for sharing this captures with rememberings at MM.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  2. Fantastic stories about your Minis. I love the Road Runner on the roof, and elsewhere. Beep Beep!

  3. What a nice collection! I always like cars who smile

  4. Nice to hear about your and see your Minis. I have always liked them.


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