
Monday 30 September 2024

Rain lots of rain


I normally would try and post some photos from a couple of week previous but after all the rain we have had in the last week I though I would show some of what happened around where I live.

This is Station Road and one of the places that floods in our  village, it most likely has gone down because when it is bad you cannot see the road and I would not be standing on the pavement here

The rain gauge I have in my garden shows 5inches, that came down in 24 hours, over the next it went up to 7inches

Wallingford Bridge a few  days later, the water is flowing easy, early this year the water was over the first two arches. I'd have been waste deep

People never learn, the narrowboart is leaning against the mooring bollards, if the water gets higher it will be grounded like some one else early this year

The river side meadow, this is where people come in the summer to swim in the Thames, early this year it was just water you could see

The riverside water park early this year you could not see the swimming pool in the distance let alone the splash pool

The car park is between the trees at least no one left their car there like last time when  all you could see were the roofs

It's nowhere near as bad as other places in the country and a lot less than Europe and the Southern States I saw on the news. I can only hope they come through it all
That is enough for today I have to keep some for  SkyWatch
Take Care


  1. That looks quite "bad enough" even if it's a lot worse elsewhere in the world... Hope it won't get worse!

  2. 5 in in 24 hours? We get 12in all year and that includes snow! I hope you are safe and dry.

  3. Eeek! Really wish some of that rain would come our way. I hope you are safe and far away from the flooding.


  4. The rain really has been horrendous lately! We've had some flooding too, with a few shops, a couple of schools and the local leisure centre all forced to close. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as previous times where you are.

  5. The world is becoming a very strange place weather wise - I hope you are ok! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.


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