
Sunday 28 July 2024

Missing Posts


I've been a bit lax at posting on a Tuesday lately  no reason other that I was doing other things and felt I had nothing to show but I feel I should show a few photos from Clyro a village I visited to see a church there called St Michael & All Angels which was the first church a Rev Frances Kilvert was sent to, some of the places you will see were there in his time and the scene would have been similar

The entrance to the church, the war memorial would not have been here at the time

Kilvert lived in this house

A plaque beside the door tells you when

The front door he would have used. The house now houses an art gallery

Across the churchyard these house would be something he saw

This is another house he visited its now called the Baskerville arms it was the swan in his time. If you wondered where the Hound of the Baskervilles came from it was from the family name who lived in the manor not far from here.

This must have been the old post office, the building would have been here but what was then I could not tell you

This view looks back up the road where he lived towards his house which you can see on the far right

This is now the village hall, it looks like it may have been the school

Looking out of Clyro past the hall

This was leads out of Clyro towards the village of Painscastle

Take Care


  1. A fascinating look around the good Reverend's old stomping ground. I know I've read Kilvert's Diary, but can't remember much about it - time to revisit it perhaps.

  2. How nice seeing all the photos around the town. Wonderful buildings!!!

  3. I'd never heard of Rev. Kilvert. Have you read his work?
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. Well maintained to honour him.

  5. That's interesting to know where the Hound of the Baskervilles came from.

  6. I think I have mentioned before that I love visiting small churches and villages that dot the English countryside. I particularly love the 4th photo of the door and the climbing vines. This was an amazing read. So the name Hound of the Baskervilles came from that area!


  7. It looks like an interesting little village - with some things changing and some staying the same. I've never seen a war memorial like that one before!

  8. How bizarre, I've just been commenting on all the posts that linked up to #MySundaySnapshot this week and you're the second person to have photos of this church! Check out - he too has been to the same place! Thanks for sharing your snaps and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  9. Might be do do with they are both my blogs


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