
Tuesday 9 April 2024

Hospital Sky


 It's over 20 years ago since the mental hospital my parents worked in closed and just over ten since they started converting it into housing

The main entrance into the place, it has not chance since it was built in Victorian times

If you have been looking here when it was open you would have seen the kitchen

 This is looking towards where the boiler house was, my friends dad worked here and we used to visit quite a lot

 The yard of the boiler house now a carpark

There used to be a tree here you can see the stump, I have a photo of my dad stood in front of it, the area was the male airing court where the patients exercised

The cricket pavilion, not that old I suspect it was built in the late1940's but some famous cricketers have played here

Here we look over towards the old Rotherfield ward where my father also worked, it was demolished the building you see is about where the place used to be
 This pond is new it is where the excess rainwater runs to and has become quite a wildlife area

 Here we look back towards the old hospital, this view I doubt has changed

This used to be part of the old farmyard, the hospital used to have it's own farm where the patients worked
It was pretty much self sufficient as the grew their own food and had a dairy 

I'll leave you with the entrance off the main road with the gatehouse on the right. 
Take Care
Happy Skywatch


  1. This place looks a lot like an old mental hospital in Vänersborg, Sweden - converted to housing and offices etc since quite a while back now. I visited the place (outdoors) a decade or so ago in connection with family history research, as ancestors ended their lives there back in the 1930s vs the 1950s.

  2. The hospital was a large facility!
    Thank you so much for sharing at

  3. Interesting. Part of the mental hospital in Staunton, Virginia has been converted into condos. Work stalled, and locals swear that contractors left because the place is haunted!

  4. I am glad they are repurposing it. Here in Oklahoma, the state mental hospitals are empty and are just decaying in place.

  5. That's a large compound. I hope the new homes will be a huge blessing to the future residents.

  6. interesting place to be reused and must be full of good memories

  7. Wow, the grounds and buildings are beautiful! Wonderful that it's been repurposed. I wonder if it feels kind of weird to be living in a place that, years ago, served as a mental hospital?

  8. That facility looks very large and I'm glad to hear that is is being revitalized as housing.

  9. Hi Bill, I love the way you visit a place, take neat photos, and then share them with us. I enjoy your blogs very much. Keep up the good work. John

  10. I have not seen a mental hospital building yet, but I think this one's quite grand.

    Worth a Thousand Words


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