
Monday 25 March 2024

Greenhouse move


Towards the end of 2023 my wife & I decided we did not like the greenhouse where it was so I set about moving it with my son


The old razed bed that was here was removed and by the time this photo was taken we had moved over a ton of soil into a skip (dumpster)

A few weeks later I had the base down and we moved the greenhouse

This is how it looks now

Looking out the side you can see where the old place it used to be only now there is grass just starting to grow after we put down seed

Inside the greenhouse I have set out the pots for the plants I want to grow

On both sides now as I moved the staging to the end of the greenhouse

And made up a couple of smaller top shelves

Where I have seeds growing nicely

Lots of seeds

Cucumbers and tomatoes which will be going in the pots you saw

Take Care


  1. A lot of work but it seems to be paying off with a lovely early crop!
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. That's a lot of work but it's worth it.

  3. Really good job moving that greenhouse. I'm looking forward to seeing how things are growing in there. (NewRobin13)

  4. Looks lovely, and like it's producing well already!

  5. That is a nice sturdy looking greenhouse and looks great in its new setting and you have already started using it.

  6. Wow, hard work and lots of benefits with all the seedlings.
    I visited you via image-in-ing: Barnegat Lighthouse on Long Beach Island, New Jersey
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  7. Well done! I would love to have a greenhouse like that. Your greenhouse looks great in the new setting. Very picturesque.



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